Lawn Seeding
Bio Green Indiana – Seeding
Bio Green offers seeding as part of our lawn restoration service
Seeding is another important lawn care task, yet many homeowners do not know it. After 3-4 years, grass plants will slow down their productive rates. Re-seeding compensates for that natural slowdown of the turfs reproduction.
When should you seed? The best time to seed a lawn in Indiana is between August 15 and September 30th. Of course, every season is different, and this is a guide. Lawns seeded later in the fall may fail because the seedling turf has insufficient growth to survive the winter.
Why not Spring? The biggest reason we stay away from Spring is not to impact your pre-emergent schedule for weed control. Slit seeding breaks the barrier. Spring seedings are more susceptible to heavy infestations of summer annual weeds. Infestations of these summer annual weeds are greatly reduced in successful early fall seedings, since a good density develops before the weed seeds germinate the following Spring.
Bio Green Indiana offers three different seeding services.
- Slit Seeding – This process cuts grooves into the soil and drops seeds in the grooves. This has a higher success rate than overseeding. Can be done anytime during the growing season if the homeowner can insure adequate water.
- Over-seeding – The process is that seeds are dispersed on your lawn using a broadcast spreader. This process introduces new cultivars to help thicken your lawn. This is best done in conjunction with a core aeration allowing more seed to soil contact. Over-seeding is best done in the Spring or Fall if the homeowner can adequately water.
- Dormant seeding – Dormant seeding is similar to overseeding, but it is done in late fall/winter when soil temperatures stay below germination activity(usually December). This process uses the freezing, thawing, and snow cover to work its way into the soil. The seeds will germinate in early spring when soil temperatures rise above germination temperatures. This is recommended for the busy homeowner who does not have the time to adequately water their lawn.
Dormant Seeding
Seeding is another important lawn care task, yet many homeowners do not know it. After 3-4 years, grass plants will slow down their productive rates. Re-seeding compensates for that natural slowdown of the turfs reproduction.
Dormant seeding is broadcasting seed over the targeted area when the soil temperatures will not go above germination levels (usually December). It uses the freezing, thawing and snow cover of the ground to pull the seeds into the soil so they will be available and ready when spring temperatures rise above germination levels. Spring also gives us enough rain so watering is at a minimum.
We offer this service for those who do not have the time to water their new seedlings as much as they need when starting out or who have missed the window for fall seeding.

Lawn Care Services
- Natural Lawn Care Fertilization
- Grub Control
- Lawn Aeration
- Flea and Tick Control
- Seeding and Over Seeding
- Weed Control
Tree and Shrub Services
- Tree and Shrub Care
- Insect Control
- Disease Control
- Eco Friendly Fertilization
- Emerald Ash Borer Treatment